The following video is presented entirely through a vast collection of speeches, newscasts, and rarely seen archival footage, The Lost Tapes: Malcolm X tells the story of the man who, by any means...
Today marks the 33rd annual Malcolm X Black Power “Shut Em Down!” Rally and March. This yearly action commemorates and shows respect for the legacy of Malcolm X—El Hajj Malik El...
Title 42 of the United States Code is the code that addresses public health, social welfare, and civil rights. Previously, Title 42 was a rarely-used clause of the 1944 Public Health Services Law...
Donald Trump has been found guilty of sexual assualt by a Mannhattan federal jury. The woman in the case, E. Jean Carroll, said the verdict was a victory for her and other women of abuse. Although...
With over 60 years of combined experience, MMS Networks LLC is a Chicago based Company owned by Michael W. Victor and Ericka L. Mauldin. With a boutique business approach, MMS Networks LLC,...
Bad Boys 4 is gearing up for production. Fans can look for some changes in the cast, most notably will be the role of Theresa Burnett, (Det. Marcus Burnette's wife). The role had been wonderfully...
An ongoing investigation in to violations of the Child Labor Laws, uncovered three franchisees that own more than 60 McDonald's locations to have employed more than 300 children. A Louisville...
It's not just happening in the US. A 13 year-old boy opened fire inside a school in Belgrade, (the capitol of Serbia), killing 8 and injuring several others. Then he calls the police himself to...